Come a little closer, Taurus. This month, the Sun is energizing the committed sectors of your chart, putting the emphasis on your most important bonds. Whether it’s with a romantic partner, friends or your colleagues, November helps you redraw boundaries and make sure everyone’s needs are being properly met.
Is there a balanced give-and-take in your relationships? Do you feel trusting and safe? These issues will come up for review now. The Sun is in your opposite sign of Scorpio until November 21, spotlighting your seventh house of partnerships. With expansive Jupiter also in Scorpio for the next 12 months, this is a huge moment to get your interpersonal affairs in order and welcome new collaborations. Be vocal if you’re looking for, say, a coder to turn your app idea into a viral sensation, or you want friends to set you up with their most eligible romantic prospects. Put it out to the hive mind and see what comes back!
Be prepared to hear some constructive feedback—and push yourself to be open to it. When the Sun is in your opposite sign, it’s like having a birds-eye view of yourself. And with honest-to-a-fault Jupiter involved, you could get an extra shot of truth serum. You (or other people) may observe things about your habits and practices that are a little uncomfortable to admit. For example, a friend could notice that you interrupt people, or that you feel like you have to tell everyone that you went to a top university or have been in your field for more than 20 years, blah blah blah. Does it accidentally come across as arrogant or insecure? Oops! Instead of getting defensive about this discovery, shift your behavior and see what happens. No shame here, Taurus! Our egos are our own biggest blind spots, after all.
The November 18 Scorpio new moon opens a once-a-year portal for resetting your relationships and plants the seeds for new connections. This is a great day to sign or negotiate contracts. Single? You could meet someone with long-term potential or decide to begin that search in earnest. For existing couples and collaborators, hash out any differences and harmonize. Relationships evolve because the people IN them are constantly growing and changing. Get back on the same page—or turn to a new one—together.
In the midst of all this dynamic-duo energy, the stars focus on YOU. On November 4, the year’s only Taurus full moon shines its beams directly on your solo endeavors. It’s the culmination of independent efforts you started near your birthday and specifically at the April 26 Taurus new moon. This assertive moment pushes you to voice your truth unapologetically. If you’ve been hiding your light, come out and share it. You might get a surge of confidence to start following a new path, one that’s a better fit for the person you’ve become. Time to strike out on your own, Taurus?
Major epiphanies could arrive on November 11, when structured Saturn and liberated Uranus form their third of three rare and harmonious trines. The last two alignments were on December 24, 2016, and May 19, 2017. Events sparked at these dates will have a bold third act today, which could transform a major part of your identity.
These planets are VERY different—polar opposites, in fact!—and they don’t usually play well together. But because of this cooperative angle, there’s a rare opportunity to harmonize their contrasting agendas. Can we fight for progress while still honoring tradition? This mashup of rule-making Saturn and rule-breaking Uranus could get interesting.
For your sign, deep emotions might rise to the surface as turbulent Uranus in your twelfth house of hidden feelings trines repressive Saturn in your intimate eighth house. Your feelings—perhaps ones you’ve pushed down for a long time— can surge into an epic tidal wave. From joy to anger to lust to envy, you could swing wildly today. Or you could hear news that takes you by surprise and has you seeing things from a totally different POV. You may feel simultaneously controlling and out of control, not sure whether to grip harder or just let it all come crashing down. Things probably aren’t as dramatic as they seem in your head (thankfully!), but you could be caught off-guard by a curveball from shock jock Uranus.
At this final Saturn-Uranus trine, a relationship could progress swiftly into tangible form, perhaps manifesting in a proposal or a pregnancy. This cosmic coupling may also impact your finances and health. You might receive an inheritance or another major windfall, such as a real estate sale or bonus. If you’ve been dealing with health issues, this trine could bring an innovative new treatment or an opportunity to be part of a cutting-edge clinical trial. If you’ve struggled with an addictive pattern, you might be able to quit cold turkey or enter a recovery program. Being vulnerable and open to change—a shift from the steadfast Taurus way—could be your path to long-term stability.
It’s auspicious that this rare Saturn-Uranus alignment falls on 11-11, a “master number” that’s associated with spiritual breakthroughs. Some believe that 11-11 is a symbol that calls us to be lightworkers on the planet. Tap into your highest spiritual vibration today and welcome divine guidance, such as signs, serendipities and supportive people coming out of the woodwork. The universe does indeed have your back.
You might need to remind yourself of this on November 19, when hotheaded Mars and turbulent Pluto lock into an intense square. With rash Mars in your micromanaging sixth house and Pluto in your ninth house of excess, you could be overwhelmed by a work project. Maybe you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, and your pride is stopping you from asking for help. Perhaps the people on Team Taurus are simply not coming through. Should you go on a firing spree? Watch your tendency to be a know-it-all. Maybe you ARE right, Taurus, but rubbing someone’s nose in it won’t win you points. Argh! Having an open, honest conversation feels like the hardest thing to do today. But your stress levels could go through the roof if you don’t hold people accountable. Don’t let this situation take a toll on your body and health.
Team dynamics start improving on November 22, when foggy Neptune ends a retrograde that began on June 16. Some of those flaky and unreliable people could start coming through again. Or you’ll start serendipitously attracting more appropriate players. A friendship that’s been adrift might pick up speed again.
Ready for a time-out? On November 21, the Sun moves into Sagittarius and your private eighth house for a month. Hang the “do not disturb” sign and hunker down. You may have to wrap up a project that requires your full, focused attention. Or maybe that “project” is the kind that happens under dimmed lights and sexy ambience—with one special soul. The eighth house rules sex and emotional bonding, something your sensual sign is always up for. Warning: You may be moody or sensitive for the next four weeks, so choose your company wisely. Anyone who drains you should be kept at arm’s length. Save your best energy for people and conversations that feed your soul.