Riddle of the week: How can you feel totally free AND totally connected to someone else at the same time? On Wednesday, August 7, you’ll start to see a parallel path instead of a paradox, when the Leo Sun in your sentimental fourth house gets a seductive beam from unbridled Jupiter in your erotic eighth house.

One day later, on Thursday the 8th, love planet Venus (also in Leo) will form the same angle, a flowing 120-degree trine, to the red-spotted planet. Clear out your calendar—as much as you can during the workweek—and Velcro-up with your amour du jour. Single? You could don your scuba gear and take a deep dive in the digital dating pool. You can also indulge the nostalgic mood by hosting a dinner for a friend group you’ve been dying to see.

Whip up your mother’s famous recipe or, heck, invite her to come share the meal! House hunting? Under this lucky cosmic confab, you may find a perfect new pad. But don’t overlook the lusty aspects of this transit! Pillow talk could be both sweet and spicy now. Set up a conversation space on your bed and shoot the breeze with your bae. Talk doesn’t have to be cheap: Venus can make it downright HOT.

That said, it might be hard to totally read people’s signals until this Sunday, when Jupiter FINALLY wakes up from a four-month retrograde in Sagittarius and your eighth house of intimacy and shared resources. If your bed’s primary function has been “sleep, sleep…and more sleep” since the galactic giant went retrograde on April 10, you’ll remember how much fun other activities can be when hosted between your sheets.

It’s time to shake off any frustration or disappointment of the past four months and stay open. Before Jupiter moves on from this realm on December 2, you might be rewarded with new heights or depths of intimacy and novel forms of sexual expression.

If you’re in a new relationship but have been tapping the brakes, this might be the moment you floor the accelerator pedal. The “red giant” grants supersized confidence and encourages (calculated) risk-taking. While this isn’t always comfortable territory for a Taurus, you’re safe to take more gambles in the game of love.

Go ahead and express thyself, Bull—just be careful not to slide down that slippery slope of desire and become demanding. The eighth house rules intense emotions like jealousy and vengeance: Consider yourself on official notice to NOT go there.

As Jupiter pivots forward, another planet shifts into reverse. Late Sunday, renegade Uranus does an about-face and reverses course through your sign until January 10, 2020. This is an annual event, and the “outer planets,” including Uranus, spend up to half the year in retrograde, so don’t freak out. This backspin can be a blessing for Bulls, especially since the side-spinning planet has brought an uncomfortably frenetic energy to your life since it moved into Taurus on May 15, 2018.

While in snooze mode until January 10, lower-key Uranus retro provides a crystal-clear viewing window into what it’ll take to turn your innovative ideas into something concrete. You don’t have to halt production or vanish from the public eye. But going back to the drawing board could yield a scheme or product that’s ten times better than the original. Balance Uranus’ “mad scientist” vibes with evidence and data—it’s the Taurus way!

Think about how your ideas are a reflection of your truest essence, and make sure that your creation represents the best possible you. Have you altered your look, shifted career gears or shaken up some other torpid area of life? Anything that affects you in a positive way is good. Just be careful that “living my best life” doesn’t start taking you down the slippery slope of selfish and destructive behavior. Do your inner work, and this Uranus pivot can help you strike the right balance between wild and mild.

VIAOriginally posted on AstroStyle
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