Ready, set, exhale… On Tuesday, June 26 inspirational Mars slams on the brakes and shifts into reverse in Aquarius and your tenth house of career goals and ambitions.

It’s not like you’ll settle in for an eight-week nap, but with the motivational planet spinning retrograde until August 27, a work project may slow down, or you might finally get a chance to review what you’ve accomplished so far.

Mars will retreat into Capricorn and your visionary ninth house on August 12, which can give you a wider perspective and help you detach enough to make the necessary adjustments.

Lack of progress may be frustrating, but deep down you’ll probably feel a huge sense of relief! If you need to hire a consultant or coach, this is a perfect opportunity.

What is important now is taking the time to get it right—something your diligent sign should be able to relate to—and to shore up all your professional relationships.

Strong bonds with colleagues and decision makers can make all the difference in the world.

For Bulls with work projects in abeyance, Thursday’s full moon in your footloose ninth house couldn’t come at a better time!

This realm rules travel, adventure and pretty much anything that can expand your horizons. If you’ve been stifling the urge to pick up and go away—say, Rome, Rio or Reykjavik—see what online deals you can find.

Or work backward by thinking of people you can visit in cool destinations and seeing who might like to host you.

If you can’t jump ship, you can still dream—and scheme! (And start saving enough pesos to fund this escapade.)

Clever Bulls might be able to wrangle a work trip while others may be seriously scouting overseas positions or voluntourism opportunities.

Think outside the box and use the full moon’s manifesting mojo to live out a long-held fantasy.

The ninth house governs entrepreneurialism and media: Hmm, maybe that startup idea or style blog you’ve been mulling since the January 16 new moon might have the stuff to go the distance!

A good way to get some of these big plans into motion is put ’em on the front burner and turn down the flame on your socializing.

A cosmic tailwind comes on Friday, when garrulous Mercury drops into Leo and your fourth house of domesticity and privacy until September 5.

This is an annual event, but this year you get a few bonus weeks due to Mercury retrograding from July 26 to August 19.

Plump up your pillows, put an extra leaf in the dining room table, get out the Vitamix and perfect a few cold-soup recipes and fresh salads. You’ll enjoy cozying up with your inner circle and the people whose company you enjoy most.

PS: There’s no reason you shouldn’t chat up people with world-class connections or debrief folks who’ve done the things you’re looking to do.

Since you may be spending more time than usual in your Bullpen, this is a perfect time for a few of those “creature comfort” upgrades you’ve been craving! /by TheAstroTwins

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