There’s a bright line between “fine” and “phenomenal,” Taurus, and this ain’t the week to miss that marker. Creatrix Venus—your cosmic custodian—lingers in aesthetic Libra, fluffing the set of your meticulous sixth house until the weekend. Basic and boring won’t make the cut, so bring the extra aesthetic touches.
Just not TOO many. When “more is more” Jupiter squares Venus on Monday, November 16, you’ll veer toward excess. Watch your spending, eating and drinking that day, Bull. Mercifully, astro-auditor Saturn drops by for an inspection on Thursday, supplying the wisdom of discernment.
Are you managing a big project? Check in with the team before you drop coin on supplies and materials. Make sure you have measurements and engineering specs right, your copy spellchecked…and fact checked! You have better things to invest in than recon work—and slip-ups could get costly!
Need to negotiate the terms of an important relationship? Your ruler, amorous Venus, swings into Scorpio this Saturday, activating your dynamic-duos zone until December 15.
Whether you need to revise terms in a professional alliance, or you and bae aren’t seeing eye-to-eye, take the lead in righting things. Just remember: The love planet insists on peace, love and understanding. Any union that isn’t operating smoothly will be up for review. But in Scorpio, Venus’s powers are muted (the planet is “in fall” here).
Dramatic plots twists will be unavoidable, even if the story ends with a happily-ever-after. Since the seventh house is about committed connections, you’ll crave more assurance and exclusivity. That said, you get to write the rules for what true partnership looks like. Mix things up, which might inspire a little playful experimentation.
As long as all parties agree, feel free to innovate. Wherever you’re at on the “permabonding” scale, remember that all relationships involve compromise, which is not always the easiest thing for your obstinate sign. Giving an inch might actually mean GAINING a mile.
Here’s another reason that you’ll need to know where you stand in a special relationship. On Saturday, the Sun glides into Sagittarius and your seductive—but oh-so-serious—eighth house.
On a casual day, your enduringly loyal sign plays for keeps. During this monthlong sensual jam session, you’ll double down on your passion. Erotic urges will be peaking, yet you won’t be happy with anything less than the full body-mind-soul connection. Don’t be shy about expressing your needs. People aren’t mind readers, so help them (and YOU) out! With worldly Sagittarius ruling this area of your life, make a point of diversifying your dating portfolio.
Break from type, whether that means trying gritty over clean cut or letting yourself be seduced by someone’s accent or patois. Merging resources—for romance or finance—could bring a huge gain between now and December 21. The key? Play to everyone’s strengths instead of trying to divide it all down the middle.