The week is holding great positive news for the Virgos out there. You are going to experience major success and gains. Be prepared for getting a major boost in your financial status as your bank account is going to be flooded with cash. Be a little careful while undertaking a new venture as you are going to become a little obsessed with the task.

This week will give you lots of positive news regarding your health. Your skin will glow so much because it has become clearer than ever. Your body will be full of energy and you will be in the mood of using physical strength today. This is no surprise or luck because you have worked hard to get what you have today. Embrace the positive changes this week.

When it comes to your career and professional life, you are going to face major increments and positive outcomes. If you have been working on an important project, this week will give you the fruitfulness of your hard work. You are going to be highly praised and appreciated by your seniors for your dedicated and impressive service.

The week is going to bring in new responsibilities that you are required to endure upon your shoulders. You will not be succumbing to the failures of the past and would rather take steps to improve your relationship. This week to will be focusing on the needs of your close ones and would try to do everything in your possession to make them happy.

There are chances of you traveling at the end of the week. The major boost in your career and financial status will provoke you to take a well-deserved break. Couples are going to enjoy a period of delight embracing each other while traveling. Singles will go to their dream destination with their friends. You have been waiting for this trip for so long and it will finally get true this week.

Colors of the day: Orange, Light Blue

Lucky Numbers of the day: 1, 9

Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: F, L

Cosmic Tip: Open up yourself to your closed ones. They will accept you for the person you are!

Tips for Singles: It takes time to meet the right one. You have waited long enough; this is the week you are going to experience the sweet results of your patience.

Tips for Couples: Things will become complicated if you resist your temptations and hide your true feelings.

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