As the crab of the zodiac, a Cancer woman’s love is so deep she wears it is as armor – strong enough to care for everyone she loves.

She has the deepest appreciation imaginable for family, friends and home. Cancer women love family life and they truly do love being married.

To marry a Cancer woman is to marry someone who is invested in the union; she will never lie to you. She is much like a wolf: she mates for life.

Her intentions are good and as far as life partners go, she makes for one of the zodiac signs that make the best wives. Here are 6 more reasons you can never go anywhere but sky high marrying a Cancer woman:

1. Cancer women are good at saving and managing money

Ms. Cancer will have a bank account and/or money stashed all over her home. She is a natural saver who understands the value of money. To her, money equals security.

It also equals a home and even if she is living in a tiny apartment, she will scrimp and save to achieve her ultimate goal – proud homeowner. The Cancer woman is cautious about everything she does in her life and the handling of money is no exception.

She is a shrewd investor and the goal of any financial planning is based on long-term stability.

This woman isn’t going to be fooled by get-rich-quick schemes, or easily lured into buying oceanfront property in the desert. She does have her guilty pleasures, however, and will splurge now and again.

2. A Cancer woman will remember everything you told her

Cancer women will remember everything you tell them even if it’s in a whisper. They listen more than they speak and they really care about what you have to say.

They will remember things you don’t even remember saying and get to know you better than anyone.

3. Making love to a Cancer woman will be the most passionate experience

Cancer isn’t the type to ‘half ass’ things when it comes to love and in a relationship they make for an incredibly intense and passionate partner.

Being loved by a Cancer is unlike quite anything else and it has the power to make a person feel alive. Making love to a Cancer woman will always be romantic and erotic. She is willing to try many things, and she will always put her partner’s pleasure before hers.

She loves seduction and sensual fantasies. She enjoys being made love to and is eager to learn. Sex is always attuned with love for her, and bedroom encounters with this water sign are usually pure liquid pleasure.

4. A Cancer woman will care about you more than she cares about herself

A Cancer woman is good at nurturing. She will care about you even you push her away. When she loves you, she will still care about you even if you break up with her. Your soup will be ready when you’re sick if a Cancer woman is in your life.

She loves taking care of her love from simple things such as a reminder to wear a jacket during a chilly day to feeding her significant other soup he or she is feeling ill. When you fall asleep on the couch, Cancer woman will put a blanket on you.

She’ll check if you put enough clothes on when it’s cold outside. A Cancer woman is like a guardian angel.

5. Cancer women are damn good in the kitchen

A Cancer woman loves to cook and will make delicious food. Cooking is like her hobby, and she can do it whenever you ask her too. She will never refuse you when you ask her to cook anything for you.

She will always cook food for you with passion and love. You have to be ready to gain a little weight if you’re with a cancer woman because you’ll eat everything she cooks!

6. A Cancer woman makes great mother. She is capable of great sacrifices for the ones she loves

Cancer woman is defined with great selflessness. She always wants to do things for the people around her and shares everything she has.

She is caring towards the people in her life. A Cancer will move mountains and swim across oceans for anyone they care about.

She contains a natural maternal feature in her which helps her to form strong bonds with family. Feeling secure with her loved ones, she believes in ‘Home is where the heart is.’

Her natural maternal nature also makes her natural giver of love and care. Similarly, she expects the same love and care to get nurtured.

Her emotions are deep, she can be as hard as a rock in tough times, but she’s one of those who can be easily hurt. She’s also good at making laugh which gives her a quality to spread smiles and cheer up the environment.

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