You’re feeling comfortable about putting in the work today, dear Leo, even with the Moon in a vibrant, adventure-seeking area of your solar chart.

The Sun and Saturn are moving to a harmonious aspect, encouraging you to not only identify your priorities but to work toward them. Putting your work or daily affairs in order may be the key now, and even small efforts can go a long way now.

The goal is to feel more in control, organized, and on top of things. Your sense of tomorrow is strong and dominant, and working on making today more secure makes the most sense now.

Look for activities that help anchor or ground you, as they may be precisely what you need right now. Feeling useful serves a need.

Spending quality time in the company of one particular person brightens your world today. An easy encounter between Venus the Goddess of Love and Luna the Queen of Feelings urges you to aim all your time and attention in a singular direction.

To make the most of this magical moment together, turn off your phones and engage in a face-to-face conversation without any interruptions.

Everything else can wait. Focus on the opportunity represented by the individual sitting across from you by listening with a non-judgmental heart.

Just as there is some serious momentum developing across the job and career fronts, bringing you to start of some of the most powerful professional months and years on record, today’s adventurous lunar vibes bring a timely reminder.

That reminder is that no matter how exciting the professional developments are, life can’t be all work and no play.

And this is not a case of the Moon preaching or demanding you take responsibility and more a case of revealing the playful and adventurous forces that are determined to ensure you retain the right balance.

Today’s Quote: “You know you’re on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 32, 35, 37, 45, 48

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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