You may be able to speak your truth more clearly than usual at this time. You might even be tempted to talk about what is really bothering you about an authority figure in your life.
The issue may be much bigger than the person who is the focus of your frustration in the moment, and keeping this perspective in mind can help you be fair to that person. They, too, could be negatively impacted by some of the same pressures that weigh on you.
A wave of clarity could arrive regarding cherished ambitions or possibly one in particular. Don’t rule out the possibility of someone who can assist you to takes strides doing so, either.
Their insights could help to point a way forward, but you may need to ask for these. Somebody appears not only to understand a direction you’re keen to head toward but has faith in your ability to get there, too.
You’re more fluent than usual when expressing your ideas, dear Taurus. Today’s energies are good for bringing up a topic that requires open minds. It can be a time for a bright idea or intellectual win.
It’s an important day for entertaining new ideas and seeking out more meaning from your experiences. You can be thoroughly invested in a project, study, or venture, and you can make tremendous progress with this kind of dedication and focus.
You can be especially sharp in a debate, and winning an argument is likely now if you are so inclined.
This can also be an excellent time to update or progress a personal hobby/interest–you can do some satisfying and meaningful work, whether related to a job or a personal endeavor.
Today’s Quote: “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good
Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 9, 22, 43, 48
Daily Compatibility: Capricorn