You may be feeling very confident right now about your romantic plans and who you want to have by your side in the future. Still, you can’t just jump from here to there.
Thankfully, you’re willing to do the work to make your love goals materialize, and small efforts are supported in a big way right now. Don’t take your eyes off the prize, because staying inspired by your romantic dreams will be necessary as you make your journey.
You could focus on how a romance will unfold, which might distract you from anything else. Your mind may also be full of passionate possibilities.
But take some time to make sure you express these in the way you want to. Don’t let any worries about where you are heading romantically or intimately grow deep roots. Patience and confidence will bring all the answers you need.
The Moon is in Pisces and in your 11th house today. Do you have a sense of friendship in your intimate relationships? Do you feel that you and your partner aspire towards the same goals and ideals in your personal and joint lives? These are all great questions to contemplate.
If you feel like any of those things are missing from your romantic partnerships, this is the perfect time to practice introducing them more into your relationships. People forget that it’s so important to not just have a romantic connection with their partner, but to also have friendship.
Relationships that have friendship as a big part of their foundation tend to last a lot longer, because those involved are seeing one another more realistically and projecting less of their romantic ideals on each other.
It is also crucial that you and your partner have mental compatibility and strive towards creating similar things in your lives. That allows the partnership to be a propeller towards your dreams.