Taurus might have money worries. He or she may seek out your guidance. You might need to spend more money or time on a creative project than you initially thought. You might be wondering if it is possible to keep going with the project. You should still be able complete the task as you planned.
You might find yourself obsessing about something you don’t care about today. During this time, keep your good habits and stand strong about your health. Everybody feels out of control from time to time. Remember that perfection is not possible, you don’t have to be perfect and nobody expects you. If that doesn’t work, get to bed earlier and try again tomorrow.
The current planetary constellation creates a positive atmosphere at work. Today, all relationships shine. It is possible to have the chance to connect with the right people at the right times, and then be given the option to make the next move. The best people are the ones you choose to work with. More influence is available than you realize.
“The truth of it all is that you may not know what you deserve right this moment, and that is okay. You will grow to figure it out. Until then, just promise me that you will believe with merciless conviction, with ruthless certainty, that you do not deserve to be unhappy. Promise me you will believe that you mean something.”
Colors of the day: Light Blue, Purple
Lucky Numbers of the day: 8, 7
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: J, A
Cosmic Tip: Just as Air is considered to be both hot and wet, mold your behavior to accommodate people.
Tips for Singles: Take the focus off of your career and look into building new connections.
Tips for Couples: There may be some tension between you and your partner. To solve this, listen to them when they speak about their feelings and try to look at things from their perspective.