Taurus, it will be difficult to maintain a sense of equilibrium this month! Take these things seriously because it is perhaps more necessary now than it has ever been. If there is a conflict between the old and the new, you may be called upon to act as the arbitrator. Take advantage of the possibilities that present themselves. Make certain that you are a party to the agreement. Make use of your communication skills to assist in bridging the gap.
This month’s planetary alignment may help you acquire perspective by delving deeply into a problem. These energies often create communication problems, which, although somewhat gruff around the edges, can eventually be a chance for enlightenment. The breakthrough or breakdown will probably revolve around some sort of judgment, and you may be on the receiving or giving end of it. Breathing exercises and jogging in particular are advised to try and break through the narrow-mindedness.
This month, Taurus, it will be tough to retain a feeling of balance! Remember to take this seriously since they are possibly more important than they have ever been. It is possible that you may be asked to serve as an arbitrator in the event of a dispute between the old and new. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. Inspect the agreement to ensure that you are a party to it. To help in bridging the gap, make use of your communication abilities.
Taurus, you may be compelled to make a significant decision by something or someone. Make certain that you are moving on the correct path. Keep in mind that there is power in numbers. People must come together in order to conquer. The fact that factions of individuals are still fighting among themselves simply serves to exacerbate the situation. Understanding someone else’s differences and working together on the bigger problems that touch us all is essential to moving forward.
Take a trip around the world with Saturn. Your great desire to spend time with your siblings or other members of your family will be fuelled by the universe’s energy, which will drive you in that direction. Stepping out into the world means embracing the scent of delicious sticky buns and freshly made coffee, among other things. Consider taking a short stroll every day from work to your house, and look for new cafés to visit in the evening to relax and clear your mind after a hard day at work.
Colors of the Month: Red, White
Lucky Numbers of the Month: 7, 8
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: V, W
Cosmic Tip: Look for things that pique your interest. Pursue what you are passionate about.
Tips for Singles: Make the most of your best friend’s companionship.
Tips for Couples: You should communicate openly about their worries.