As much as your fixed sign loves routines, you’ll be itching to change things up on Tuesday, January 16 when the year’s only new moon in Capricorn revs up your ninth house of travel and adventure. Your wanderlust may hit an unquenchable level. Some Bulls will simply need to pack a bag and go SOMEWHERE (“anywhere but here” will do, thank you very much) over the coming two weeks. But first, check the expiration on your passport: a number of countries require at least six additional months to grant entry. Find out if your desired destination demands a visa, and if you can get it in advance.
If you can’t get away, like, NOW, you can always dream and scheme. Check out favorite podcasts, travel bloggers or Instagrammers and let the fantasies begin in earnest. You can still widen your horizons with some homegrown activities, like world music concerts, foreign film fests and fusion restaurants. Keep your focus on growth and expansion, including the mental variety. If you’ve been considering advanced training or gaining specific experience, look into online courses, webinars and apprentice programs. This new moon gives empire-building Bulls a shot in the arm, so find someone to help you draft a business plan—or start taking action on the one that’s been sitting in your desk drawer! PS: This might involve publishing a book or other types of media.
Wednesday’s starmap turns your attention to work—specifically, how to advance and accomplish some of your grandest goals. No more TALKING about it, Bull. It’s showtime! As your cosmic custodian, va-va-voom Venus, marches through Aquarius and your tenth house of status and success, she’ll shake things up and fill your head with big ideas. First, though, make sure you’re crystal-clear about what you want to manifest. And dress the part every day since you never know what meeting you’ll get called into or when the cameras will turn on you. Looking on fleek includes a haircut and colors that pop (especially when YOU wear them).
On your best hair day, have some headshots taken and update all your professional profiles. If you’re doing the online dating thing, add them there, too—Venus is the goddess of love, after all. If appropriate, do some Live social events or shoot a few videos to demonstrate your professional prowess. Outgoing Venus helps you think in terms of strategic socializing. Call in favors and get on those A-list invites where you can rub shoulders with industry influencers. You might need to invest in a new cocktail dress (or suit) or cough up the funds for admission to the VIP lounge. Think of it as the “cost of doing business”—and if you land a plum contract as a result, it’s more than worth the outlay.
More good news in the career department comes on Friday, when the Sun joins Venus in Aquarius and illuminates your work sector until February 18. This one-two punch can shift your ambitions back into high gear. The next four weeks should be busy for you professionally, and it’s important that you prioritize your goals so you don’t waste energy during this solar power surge. Got a brilliant idea but need backers? Draft a nondisclosure agreement now, before you talk shop.
With the Sun and creative Venus linked up, you want to protect all your intellectual property, going to an attorney if necessary. Keep your options open. Going back into the corporate arena after a hiatus is NOT selling out, nor is proposing an “intrapreneurial” idea to your current employer that can give you more independence and control over your work. Not feeling the 9-5 vibes? Think about how you can hang a Taurus, Inc. shingle and make major moola.