There is a particular love of spontaneity as you begin the day, dear Sagittarius, but as it advances, you’ll find yourself more serious and perhaps more accountable as the Moon heads into your public and career sector.
Whether this feels good or challenging can depend on how well you have met recent responsibilities. Life plan goals and responsibilities are called to mind.
Also today, Mercury in your sign forms a parallel aspect with probing, investigative Pluto, and you’re inclined to do some serious musing.
You may very well find special joy in quiet and private moments now despite the Moon’s prominent position in your solar chart with a configuration forming in your privacy sector that suggests you may be nurturing some special feelings.
Enjoying time to yourself or a short escape can be just what you need to round out your day.
You can’t count on the Pollyanna Principle to get you through an emotionally delicate situation today. Others don’t necessarily want to hear your positive affirmations when there is a real crisis at hand.
The nitpicking Virgo Moon is highlighting your 10th House of Public Responsibility, requiring you to supply facts and figures to back up your current claims.
You will emerge a hero if you can find the patience to focus on the details and offer a concrete solution to an existing problem. Promise less, deliver more.
While the adventurous lunar vibes of the last few days not only run their course but make way for the Moon’s return to your career sector today, this doesn’t mean that it is time to get your professional hat back on.
The more you let your professional instincts and imagination kick in and run their course over the coming days the better.
This is the Moon’s last visit to your career sector for the year, the first since the tide turned on the job front and since the Sun returned to your income sector last weekend. That’s a lot to process and get a read on.
Today’s Quote: “Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.”
Lucky Numbers: 12, 16, 21, 30, 41, 42
Daily Compatibility: Aquarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good