There can be stop and go energy in your relationships especially today, dear Libra, as Mars and Saturn form a square. Interactions may suffer from poor timing or the perception that others are disapproving and disinterested.

There can be a feeling of being blocked, either by others or by circumstances, and this can be frustrating. However, it’s also a message from the cosmos to be patient, to wait things out, and to spend a little more time getting things right before pushing ahead with your plans.

As well, you and others loosen up considerably as the day advances. Also today, a total Lunar Eclipse can bring a friendship issue to a turning (or boiling) point. Look for ways to explore and share ideas with people in your life.

If a friendship or group affiliation changes or ends, you might find that another door opens rather quickly. The energy of the eclipse is best harnessed and channeled into setting solid goals for long-term happiness.

Some of you could experience a romantic revelation of sorts, or a creative project is coming to a head now and in the coming weeks.

Sometimes we need a little drama to motivate us to make changes and improvements to our lives, and a Lunar eclipse generally shows us what we have been lacking.

Something you hear, read, or observe today might be inspiring enough to launch a fresh line of thinking about your ambitions.

If you are toying with the idea of changing jobs, pursuing further education, or launching an entrepreneurial venture, listen to the voice in your head saying, “There’s no time like the present.”

Seek out others already walking the path that’s calling you as a fearless Leo Lunar Eclipse emboldens your 11th House of Groups.

Soak up the wisdom of experts and see if your passion matches their determination and drive. Real-world advice can be priceless when delivered at the right moment.

Because the Moon left Libra on New Year’s Eve, you were able to move into 2019 with an intuitive edge from the get go. However, it means that you also have to wait longer for its first visit to Libra in 2019, which will finally happen in three days’ time.

Until then, you can continue to keep your mind and your options open, especially when it comes to confirming what you already know when it comes to your expectations for the coming year.

Across the personal, professional, financial and even relationship fronts, all the signs so far are exciting.

Today’s Quote: “Making mistakes is something everyone does. Learning from them is not.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 7, 17, 29, 34

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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