You might easily find yourself at cross purposes over money, values, or respect today as Mercury and your ruler, Mars, form a minor challenging aspect, dear Aries.
It’s important not to look outside of yourself for happiness and satisfaction now. Try to tame expectations. This, of course, doesn’t mean expecting less than respect–it means that you’ll be better off giving everyone space and allowing events to unfold naturally.
Freedom is a keyword now. The Moon enters your sign later today, giving you more oomph, visibility, and emotional clarity.
As well, a nice flow of energy is with you for accomplishing your work and filling responsibilities with less effort than usual now, and this helps speed things along. Look for ways to reduce stress.
Reflection and contemplation is the order of the day. You require some distraction-free, quality time alone to make sense of recent events that puzzle or confuse you.
Maybe you’re feeling the need to recharge your spiritual batteries or just catch up on your sleep. The point is that a bit of solitude every now and then never hurt anyone. Of course, you’re busy pursuing your dreams but tending to your emotional health is crucial. Silence the noise and reconnect with your heart.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury and now even dreamy Neptune are all conspiring to highjack your imagination and tempt, cajole or even force you to take time out to hear yourself think.
This is the point where the wind down of your old solar year gets serious. All four are in a nostalgic, reflective but also intuitive and imaginative part of your chart and each brings something different to the table.
In retrograde motion Mercury is looking back, the Sun is looking forward while the Moon and dreamy Neptune are inspiring your imagination.
Today’s Quote: “Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.”
Lucky Numbers: 5, 17, 20, 24, 40, 41
Daily Compatibility: Sagittarius
Creativity: Good
Love: Fair
Business: Fair