There can be some tendency to rush through communications or through the first half of the day, dear Pisces. While inventiveness is a positive side to this energy, rashness will not lead you to the right places.
Inner unrest is quite likely but can be turned into something positive if you put the effort forward. Avoid investing too much in the promises and responses of others as the day advances since people can be impractical and could be shooting too high just for the time being.
The key to balance is taking charge of your own happiness instead of waiting for someone else to make you happy. Following this, you’re in a far better position, and you might be acknowledged for your responsibility, dedication, or willingness to make some personal sacrifices to accommodate others.
Surround yourself with pleasant sights, appealing aromas, and soothing sounds. You are ultra-sensitive to everything around you today, so avoid anything that even remotely smacks of negativity.
When it comes to interacting with others, this precaution goes double. Do your best to socialize with positive types who know how to laugh and pass out big bear hugs without reservation.
Think of yourself as a psychic sponge, and soak up all the good things life has to offer. Your unabashed gratitude is a fitting response to the generosity of the cosmos.
As the Moon leaves Pisces, this wraps the most important days of your birthday month, when it still has 12 days to play out. This brings yesterday’s New Moon to a close, which has given this new solar year the green light.
Yet an alignment with Mercury in the Moon’s final hours today, will also highlight the implications from his retrograde turn two days ago. As well as leaving you with an intuitive edge, you also have a better read on both the new and old doors that have opened over the last two days.
Today’s Quote: “Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 14, 26, 35, 48, 49
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Fair