Venus and Mars have just recently entered your communications sector, dear Cancer, and the Sun joins them today. The Sun will influence this area of your solar chart until September 23rd. It can be a busy time of thinking, talking, connecting, moving about, and learning.

It can also be a scattered period in spots! Because demands on you–and your own interests–can be very diverse during this cycle, it can be challenging to work on a particular project with exclusive focus.

Even so, this cycle is more about discovery and branching out than specializing. There can be a lot of comings and goings! Fun new interests or exciting news and topics can figure strongly now.

Aim to get into touch with others and to handle some of the critical details of your life. While there are many signs that things are speeding up for you, the Moon heads into your privacy sector for a couple of days.

It would be wise to carve out some time for quiet, rest, and reflection–it’s a fine time for a healthy escape.

Let something go with love and wisdom today. Move on from any painful stories and embark on a new journey. The ingenious Gemini Moon shifts into your 12th House of Transitions, helping you heal by encouraging you to find closure.

You don’t need to have your plans all figured out; taking that first step builds momentum and propels you forward. Declare yourself complete with the past via the power of your word. Unabashed vulnerability is how you grow.

This time last week there were more planets in your income sector than any other area of your chart, as all the faster moving planets met up here for the first time in years.

Since then Mars, Venus and just yesterday the Sun left, followed by Juno today. As the faster moving planets one by one shift their focus onto communication, Mercury becomes the one remaining planet in your income sector.

It is time now to use Mercury’s smart head for money to get your head in the game and start nailing things down.

Today’s Quote: “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.”
Albert Camus

Lucky Numbers: 8, 10, 20, 24, 31, 41

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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