The Moon is Balsamic today, Cancer, and this suggests that it’s better to wind down, relax, reflect, and tie up loose ends than begin anew. Tomorrow’s New Moon will start a new cycle, but today, aim to let go of things or attitudes you no longer need rather than take on something new.

A Jupiter-Pluto aspect forms today and will influence you now until September. It’s a robust period for growing your relationships, particularly with a partner, offspring, and romantic connections.

It’s also fantastic for finding satisfying ways to express yourself uniquely or creatively. Matters of the heart can have an almost magical quality to them, although also an intense one! It’s a time for connecting with your heart’s desires and confidently pursuing them.

There are many conflicting demands being made on your time today and your exuberance might seem out of context to others. However, your optimism is driven by your desire to make an impact on the lives of those close to you.

Fortunately, your muse is present and ready to assist your creative efforts. Don’t stop to consider anyone else’s negativity; just push ahead with your plans and watch how your intentions inspire your peers.

With so many planets, over half the solar system in your relationship sector and opposite your Sun, there is a chance that you could feel like you’re being ganged up on.

If it feels like others’ needs or demands are swamping you, use this as an opportunity to listen to the messages this exposes, both personal and relationship focused. This will drop back dramatically by the end of the week, but for now it is exposing the things you’re normally not aware of.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 13, 18, 19, 30, 32

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Today’s Quote: “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.” -Athlete Wade Boggs

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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