This is a year for discovering your independence and enjoying it, dear Cancer. It’s a time of self-discovery or of finding yourself.

Today, you might connect with people or information that helps this process along. You can be building up to asserting your needs and wants, primarily because you are suddenly more aware of them, in a close relationship.

Also now, a Jupiter-Neptune square can introduce some conflicts between pulls toward work and pulls toward recreational or educational activities, or you may suffer the consequences of taking on so much that you have trouble taking time for yourself.

It can be hard to fit in everything that you want to accomplish now. A lack of a long-term plan can make current pursuits feel overwhelming, but it’s also a reminder to simplify things.

Find ways to focus and prioritize so that you can take advantage of opportunities that arise when they’re in front of you rather than pinning all your hopes on something in the distant future.

Your unrestrained optimism scatters your energy today. The fastest remedy is to focus more on doing less with greater pleasure.

You might also place an emphasis on artistic expression, like drawing fun doodles as you fine-tune your plans for the day.

As you move through the day with light and playful energy, you may discover that you can accomplish more tasks than you expected.

Take pride in your work but don’t become too attached to the results. Inspiration is everywhere when you appreciate the hills and the valleys of your creative journey.

While Mars has been in Cancer for a month and Mercury for just 10 days, they are drawing closer and as they do, Mercury is doing damage control.

Like a bull in a china store, Mars has just barged his way through an opposition with Saturn and next week will oppose Pluto.

While this is helping to cement what you are fighting for, Mars is a planet that reacts and doesn’t take a lot of time to ponder the implications.

Mercury moves into opposition with Saturn today, with his intellectually savvy edge allowing you to make sense of any wakeup calls.

Today’s Quote: “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 12, 15, 23, 34, 44

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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