There is good energy with you today for personal and family matters, dear Cancer. Perhaps new freedoms are afforded you now, and it feels great.

The day’s energies may seem to favor emotions and pleasures over practical activities, and it would be wise to allow more time for yourself to get things done if you’re on call.

This is a bright day for personal magnetism, although you can also be a little retiring and not very easy to get close to just for now. As well, you tend to weigh the pros and cons rather than jump into action with love and affections for the time being.

A strong attraction is possible, and it may be about a renewal of old feelings for someone. The Moon’s move into your spirit sector stimulates your desire for a little more from your life.

Acquiring new and essential information can validate an important goal, whether you’re formally enrolled in classes or not. Although there is a lot to prepare for now, you might not even know for what or why.

Nevertheless, you’re right to sense something is in the works. Keep your mind alert but relaxed, so you can spot new inspirations and insights. Leave more time for leisurely learning that’s neither for your job nor school.

Ease into a new subject of study rather than impatiently seeking to master it overnight. Savor the process of discovery. The search for knowledge is a lifelong pursuit.

While a total solar eclipse in Cancer and the major new doors this will open is still 10 days away, the Sun’s return yesterday has already put the wheels in motion.

Yet as you look to the future and the journey this new solar year will take you on, the Moon returns to an adventurous part of your chart, just as dreamy Neptune is spending his first full day in retrograde motion here.

After a challenging week, this is a gift from the gods, encouraging to escape into the weekend spirit and a sense of nostalgia.

Today’s Quote: “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 10, 15, 18, 26, 39

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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