Transits today help you to get to the bottom of a problem or situation, dear Cancer. Deep subjects and previously hidden information can figure strongly now.

Conversations or analyses and musings can lead to valuable insight into a person in your life, a relationship, or a project. You might bond with a special person over an intimate conversation or a powerful observation.

It’s a good time to share your thoughts and perhaps brainstorm to improve them. Monetizing a hobby, putting in extra effort for a creative project, and developing satisfying rules or expectations in a relationship can be in focus.

Priorities come easily, and you can effectively tune out distractions as you feel more motivated to handle a matter or pursue a project or personal interest. Working with someone one-on-one can be of mutual benefit.

Setting off to accomplish a huge project might trigger an alarm. You worry that you could get flack for letting someone down. Failure is always a possible result with any undertaking that requires an unknown amount of your limited resources.

Yet, your fears don’t need to keep you from following your dreams. Nor must you allow a grand endeavor to shadow your heart. Keeping communication lines open enables everyone to maintain realistic expectations.

Today represents a number of crossroads all intersecting and that means there will be some conflicts, especially in terms of the number of balls you have in the air.

Not only is it physically impossible to be in two places at the same time, it is impossible to be all things to everyone.

If you put yourself at the bottom of your own priority list you will also pay the price, creating a day that calls for compromise, prioritising and more importantly, for collaboration. It helps that there is support on the communication, friendship and relationship building fronts.

Today’s Quote: “Keep Going Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”

Lucky Numbers: 13, 27, 28, 34, 40, 47

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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