The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Cancer, encouraging you to seek out feedback, harmony, and balance. Pairing up and sharing ideas or ideals can be satisfying.

Today’s energies are also strong for inspiring your confidence in yourself and your independence. You have the North Node in your sign challenging you to embrace your independence, and now you also have Juno in your corner, cheering you on in a similar manner, until June 20th.

You’re encouraged to take the lead. Watch that you don’t put a wall around you in the process, but do experiment with ways to get the most from a feeling you’re in charge and control.

A desire to reinvent yourself in some way can be strong and you can be quite successful at it, to boot. Even with this me-first mission, today’s energies frame you well for social situations, mingling, and networking.

Your feelings might be ruffled early but become unflappable later today. Annoyances or an interpersonal dispute could stir up anger, but even this disturbance subsides if a conscientious choice not to cling to it is made.

You can be responsive to another person without letting them dictate the mood of your day. The goal is to be the producer, director, and star of your own show.

Refusal to release negativity is the equivalence of allowing something or someone outside yourself to take control of the script. Choose independence over agitation or suffer as an unwilling accomplice.

For the second time in just over a month Jupiter, this time retrograding back through your work sector reaches out in a show of solidarity to Eris on the career front.

This time this kicks off a 15 day alignment that represents a major coming together of forces on the job and career fronts, this time when you are ready to seize opportunities and run with them.

With both Venus and Mercury in their first full week in your career sector, you now have heart and head in the game and on the same page, which you didn’t have last month.

Today’s Quote: “Someone once asked me how I hold my head up so high after all I’ve been through. I said, it’s because no matter what, I am a survivor, not a victim.”

Lucky Numbers: 11, 17, 24, 31, 43, 49

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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