Mercury has just ended its retrograde cycle and is still in your sign, dear Cancer, and you’ll be gaining clarity. Just as Mercury doesn’t immediately resume normal speed, you should try to follow a similar path: ease back into things for best results.

Aim to conserve your energy, observe, and strategize. There’s sweet, flowing, supportive, and accepting energy with you today that’s fabulous for your relationships but also powerful for practical and business sense.

You have outstanding instincts for what is truly valuable to you, whether it’s a person, relationship, concept, or material thing. It’s also a perfect time for dropping some inhibitions, particularly about expressing your affection.

Combining talents, abilities, and resources with someone can be successful now. An unusual or non-traditional approach to business, purchases, and money matters today can be useful. As the day advances, however, you may feel a little rebellious or a whim may seem to take hold.

The power to work miracles belongs to you. Your expanded sense of personal confidence is amplified by taking responsibility for what is occurring in your world. Value yourself in the face of no agreement.

Any pushback from your relationships is only there to test how well you stand up for yourself. You cannot be harmed; make your innocence manifest to everyone by being proud of your truth.

Act to correct error; listen and learn to undo. Your acts of service affect positive change, even in the smallest interpersonal interactions.

The timing of a New Moon in your income sector that is still unfolding comes with stunning timing. The New Moon itself was yesterday, but with the Moon still here and now in its waxing phase, everything is building and growing.

At the same time that the Moon aligns with Mars, it also moves into a friendly aspect to Jupiter, just as the planet of luck and expansion moves into his final 10 days in retrograde motion in your work sector.

Before the Moon leaves tomorrow it will make direct or indirect contact with every planet across your income, work and career sectors.

Today’s Quote: “Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 28, 30, 43, 47

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

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