This morning’s Full Moon awakens a need or desire, dear Cancer. For some, it can bring a reminder of overspending or a debt, but it can also be a time when you have cause to celebrate. Money or intimacy issues can reach a head and demand your attention.

This is a time for reaching a settlement or making changes in the ways you depend on others. This lunation illuminates matters that have been previously hidden or left unacknowledged, and it can play out on the level of finances or shared resources.

Today’s Mercury-Chiron aspect helps you communicate flowingly. You are ready to entertain challenges, and you are virtually fearless when it comes to the topics you’re willing to explore today. You feel empowered by the truth.

All endings lead to fresh beginnings. The Aquarius Full Moon in your 8th House of Regeneration sparks a new cycle of growth from destruction.

What previously defined your sense of self may also be exactly that which keeps you bound. Accept the current cosmic lessons and surrender to the progression.

Reinforce your spiritual self-worth by allowing for deep transformational experiences with others. Discernment helps you know when it is time to harvest what you created and plant new seeds for the next chapter. Embrace the unknown.

As the Moon wraps up a Full Moon in your financial sector, even after moving out of opposition with the Sun there could still be some financial tension.

However, both the reason for that financial tension and the implications couldn’t be more important or positive.

The Moon will oppose Venus, Mars and Juno before leaving your financial sector today and as all are in their final days in your income sector, this is the inspiration to fight back. Any financial tension will very quickly turn to motivation.

Today’s Quote: “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”

Lucky Numbers: 5, 12, 31, 41, 42, 48

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

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