Emotional energy is a little bit tense early today, dear Cancer, so keep your wits about you and avoid undue stress over differences in opinion. Interactions can be especially progressive, enthusiastic, and spirited as the day advances.

Opportunities can come from or through friends, groups, meetings, and communications. Don’t be afraid to show others your more unique qualities and to share your progressive ideas. Keep an open mind today and look for opportunities to discover new interests.

On this day before a New Moon, it makes sense to avoid overstrain and brand-new endeavors. There is no need to seek direction just yet since your path becomes clearer after tomorrow’s New Moon.

This lunation is set to push you to express your uniqueness without fear. Exploring different ways of relating and communicating can be satisfying. Now and in coming weeks, notable benefits come through friends, teams, groups, and networks.

Give your mind free rein for harnessing the thoughts and ideas that come rushing in. Express your opinions without worrying about being liked.

You can’t fall in line with the pack; herd mentality doesn’t create leaders. Explore synergies with different types of folks today; be cognizant of your inclination to reflexively reject people or concepts that aren’t usually in your wheelhouse.

You instinctively know what’s right, so speak with confidence and conviction. You earn more respect for keeping it real than you would for just being another follower.

As planets continue to return to your communication sector and as they continue to form friendly aspects to planets on the friendship and relationship fronts, the Moon’s return fills this area of your chart to maximum capacity.

With Mercury, the planet of communication spending his first full day here, all the planets that will visit your communication sector in 2019 are all now here at the same time, making this the perfect day for a New Moon.

This is a chance to strike while the iron is hot with talks, conversations, decision making or with any form of expression.

Today’s Quote: “Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don’t give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 23, 28, 36, 41, 49

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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