Today’s energies are excellent for relationships and practical affairs, dear Cancer, and especially when these combine in some manner! Learning a skill or sharing a chore can be in focus and a happy diversion.

A new method of getting things done can be useful. It’s all about enthusiasm and a positive attitude as Venus and Jupiter harmonize. You are motivated to make your daily life better. This can also be a time for seeing a previously frustrating situation in a better light.

If you now see a block, it makes it easier to get past it. Someone might pitch in or help you out with a practical matter today, boosting your feelings of security. This may very well be a time for a boost in money or resources.

Later today, however, someone may be–or seem to be–disinterested or aloof. While this is a generally good time for enjoying comfort and possibly some indulgence, there can be worries about limited resources or someone may be disapproving now. This is temporary.

Demonstrate your love with deliberation today. Nurture that which you have birthed into the world, whether it’s by parenting your child, working on a creative project, or simply cultivating the important relationships in your life.

Be a source that offers true value to others in ways that are both uplifting and practical. Fertilize your creativity with positivity and watch your garden grow.

To have the Moon leave a playful part of your chart and return to your busy work sector is something that happens once every four weeks and is a timely reminder of a need for balance.

The Moon’s return to your work sector kicks off what is destined to an auspicious and even game changing few days across the income, work and career fronts, everything coming together.

The Moon has returned to support Jupiter in his final days in retrograde motion here and to prepare for the turnaround ahead.

Today’s Quote: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 9, 31, 34, 44, 45

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Excellent

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