With upbeat Jupiter journeying through your leisure zone, you may be keen to take certain activities further and to explore the potential around a hobby or pastime that has fascinated you for some time.
At this point though, it pays to be practical as the coming days could see you pouring time and money into a positive idea that could fizzle out if you lose interest Cancer.
You thrive on your closest nurturing connections and tend to suffer when you feel distance between you and others. Ironically, an odd sense of detachment allows you to go even deeper into this subjective realm today.
Exploring your passions from an intellectual perspective subdues the surface intensity now, and is inviting to people who might otherwise be frightened off by an overly emotional tilt to a conversation.
Nevertheless, a rational discussion will leave you unsatisfied. Journalist Herb Caen wrote, “Logic is no answer to passion.”
Just a day after Mercury, planet of communication left your relationship sector, the Moon makes a timely return to your communication sector.
While this will keep the communication lines open and instead of a sudden drop off of communication support will allow for an easier transition, this is also a change in focus.
While Mercury was focused on giving your relationships a voice, the Moon has returned to also give your emotional responses a voice.
Lucky Numbers: 7, 9, 11, 14, 20, 38
Daily Compatibility: Scorpio