There has been more than the usual attention to your personal plans and emotions these days, dear Cancer, and today, you’re inclined to want to get comfortable. It’s all too easy to become fired up about a matter in the first half of the day, however.

Watch carefully for overshooting with your money or talents at this time, and consider whether your pride might be skewing your decisions. If you feel disrespected, consider a plan or strategy to address it rather than let the frustration rule your moves today.

Impatience might set you back or work against you. Also this week, challenges can arise related to any attempts to hang on to relationship patterns only because you are afraid of change.

A certain habit of interacting, or your fear of disappointing someone, may be preventing you from growing, improving, and thriving, and asserting or enjoying your independence.

A goldfish will grow in proportion to the size of its bowl. Ask yourself whether you are doing the same. A space can only take so many belongings before it starts to feel cramped. The physical fullness corresponds to a non-material fullness, as well.

Consider deep cleaning today. Release outworn objects back into the world, and free up some room for new experiences to enter your life. When you declutter your living space, you also declutter your mind and heart.

As she spends her first full day in Cancer, Venus is the one planet who can give you the confidence to use the solar eclipse two days ago as a new starting point.

When you eventually reach the end of the year you will look back on the solar eclipse two days ago as the defining line of this year, separating everything before then and everything after then.

Venus returned a day after the eclipse and is part of what lies on the other side. This is a major opportunity to push the reset button.

Today’s Quote: “Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”

Lucky Numbers: 6, 11, 33, 35, 40, 43

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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