The day tends to feel good and even invigorating in spots, dear Cancer, but also gently challenging, mainly related to resentments or disappointments.

Your ambitions are motivating and even enjoyable these days, but irritations from others or your own fear of pulling yourself away from a relationship can interfere with the fun. Some of you could be dealing with a partner or friend who seems to be jealous of or threatened by your involvement with work or outside interests and responsibilities.

There can be a slightly paranoid feeling, even, with Venus square Pluto influencing the day. Aim to make peace with the past, but if there is a real problem brewing that is entirely current, there likely isn’t a quick bandaid fix. Aim to resolve issues one step at a time. A little self-knowledge and understanding can go a long way.

Venus and Jupiter form a flowing aspect today, too, highlighting the importance of relationships in your professional and personal life. This can be a cooperative, creative time if you seek out this warm light.

Your subconscious is super sensitive to outside influences today, giving you good reason to conscientiously set boundaries. A terrific idea or brilliant bit of creative work you recently shared might be viewed through envious eyes by others.

Be sure to have your protective shield firmly in place if there’s jealousy in the vibrational field. Keep your heart and mind focused on the abundant evidence that validates you’re coming into your own. Nurture your confidence with care.

The Moon’s monthly visit to Cancer will always fuel strong emotional responses and push some buttons. As this puts pressure on Saturn and Pluto, on the other side of the sky, they are going to push back.

Yet it is where they do, that you have a chance to look at the message behind any buttons pushed. With Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos returning to Cancer next week you will have a chance then to fight back. Until then, without overthinking things, pay attention to what’s pushing your buttons and why.

Today’s Quote: “Remind yourself that you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 46

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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