You have lovely prompts to forget the details and enjoy life without worrying too much as the Moon transits your adventure sector, dear Cancer. It’s a good day for feeling devoted to a project or to your family or loved ones.

Taking special care of your home can figure strongly. Later today, there can be some disconnects. Nevertheless, there are opportunities to rise above these minor feelings of unrest, particularly if you focus on a work or health initiative that is important to you.

Socially, there are unstable energies today and the next couple of days, but these can invite meaningful change and lead to the liberation of creativity.

Try to find a balance between pleasing someone or taking care of their feelings and asserting your independence. It’s all too easy to trigger one another’s soft spots today, but you can also aim to learn more about yourself and those you love through these very vulnerabilities.

Speculating about multiple possibilities available to you now might leave you overwhelmed with emotion. It’s hard to discern real opportunities from baseless options as surreal Neptune floods the porous Pisces Moon in your 9th House of Expansion.

However, your heightened feelings also hold the key for how you can move forward. Pay attention to what excites and thrills you now.

You’re likely uncovering long-buried inspirations for growth. As they breathe in the fresh air of your attention, listen to the desires that clamor loudest from your core. Never apologize for trusting your intuition.

With no planetary activity in your financial sector, it has become more important than ever to hold onto the information and the sharpened financial instincts the Moon’s monthly visits leave you with.

The Moon only left yesterday, giving you time to slowly unwrap both what your financial instincts and any emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses triggered.

Often it is only after the Moon is gone and as strong emotional responses dial back, that the real message is able to rise to the surface. The Moon amplifies things, so avoid over reacting, especially to strong emotional responses.

Today’s Quote: “The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 8, 31, 34, 46, 49

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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