The first half of the day is useful for connecting with others, formulating goals, and feeling hopeful about where you’re heading, dear Cancer.
Dreams and wishes are in stronger focus than usual. The Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart midday increases your ambitions and your visibility, too.
This area of your solar chart is your performance and reputation sector, and you may need to take care of business or take the lead now! You could be dealing with some frustration today, though, as a missing puzzle piece or recurring problem stumps you.
A Mercury-Saturn influence may feel a little inhibiting, but it can also alert you to the need to tidy up or attend to practical details, which can be beneficial.
There is a seed sprouting in the depth of your awareness. A cosmic light bulb is switched on and suddenly you see solutions where you once only saw obstacles.
But your newfound clarity requires you to act immediately without jumping to any hasty conclusions. Reconfigure your life so that it works in your favor. However, you need some time to grow accustomed to change.
The Moon’s return to your career sector today comes on the same day that Chiron, planet of healing moves into his final four weeks here.
With new job developments ahead, Chiron is retrograding back over old ground, in an effort to lay old professional demons and ghosts to rest.
With big developments on both the job and career fronts, especially from early November onwards, as your professional instincts and imagination kick in this is a chance to expose old and limiting beliefs. You can’t change what you can’t see.
Today’s Quote: “You’ll never find the RIGHT person if you never let go of the WRONG one.”
Lucky Numbers: 20, 37, 41, 42, 43, 48
Daily Compatibility: Virgo
Creativity: Fair
Love: Excellent
Business: Good