Discontent is possible now as there can be some things left up in the air, dear Cancer. There can be tense energies when it comes to business, career, or reputation matters with Uranus in challenging aspect to the Sun shortly before it leaves this sector of your solar chart for good.
Solutions may not be apparent right now, and your interests and focus are likely to change after tomorrow’s New Moon which will redirect you. Look for ways to unburden and unload rather than take on new ventures now.
As well today, Mercury turns retrograde, and there can be a tendency to miss important details or misunderstand instructions. If it’s possible, hold off on major decision-making during the shift today and tomorrow.
Now and until the 28th, you may need to review travel or educational plans, or there can be some mix-ups that introduce delays into your life. You’ll benefit from taking a look at things from a new or different perspective.
Do your best to avoid conversations about politics, religion, or any other potentially volatile topics today. Mercury, the planetary ruler of communications, stops in its tracks to turn retrograde, making accurate facts and figures hard to come by now.
However, you are operating from an extremely emotional viewpoint, which can further complicate this awkward dilemma.
You might not be able to charm your way out of this situation unless you sidestep the drama. Listening more than talking is one way to maintain the peace.
On the same day that Uranus ends a nearly nine year visit to your career sector, leaving both job and career matters more settled, there is a major push from adventurous forces.
The Moon is already in an adventurous part of your chart ahead of tomorrow’s New Moon, when Mercury’s retrograde turn here today almost stops you in your tracks.
If you can’t remember the last time you took quality time out, this might take hold so suddenly that you are tempted to play hooky. At the same time that the doors are opening to new adventures, the doors open to the past and second chances.
Today’s Quote: “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love – then make that day count!”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 32, 35, 39, 40, 44
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Fair
Business: Fair