You’ve ended a solar cycle today that has put particular emphasis on networking, dear Cancer, and you’re now turning more attention to your private, inner world as both the Sun and Mercury move into your solar twelfth house.
The weeks ahead are likely to involve some cleaning out of the deadwood in your life, perhaps dealing with endings as you examine the past so that you can put it behind you, and some soul searching.
More time set aside for relaxing, meditative activities is necessary now. Illumination can come today when you pay attention to details on a private or past matter.
The Sun and Mercury align in your privacy sector, and this can prompt you to see something you’ve overlooked before, or a conversation can bring up new information that allows you to come to a more definite conclusion.
You might reawaken a topic from the past, or you might enjoy a good feeling of purging or release involved with bringing something to light.
You might come up empty handed if you’re looking for irrefutable proof today. It seems like there are shadows of doubt in every direction. The interplay of light and darkness creates illusions that can be nearly impossible to see through if you’re in a hurry.
Be patient and let your third eye take a peek. Your intuition can make sense of material that the logical mind doesn’t immediately grasp. What can’t be explained now, emergent facts may eventually make obvious. The truth will show itself in good time.
The first full day of the month long wind down of your old solar year is something that can often take the wind out of your sails.
Yet as Mars only just spent nearly seven weeks winding down your old Mars cycle last week and in his first full week in Cancer is already opening new doors, the impact won’t be as marked.
Instead of your energy waning, as it often does at this time of year, it is likely to be increasing. Especially when it comes to life outside work or realising that you can’t simply go through the motions. Yet there is still a need to find time to hear yourself think.
Today’s Quote: “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 13, 16, 30, 38
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Excellent
Business: Good