New developments or unusual events surrounding business or financial matters can figure strongly now, dear Cancer. Innovative new ideas or sudden recognition can get you all fired up and motivated.

While impulses to spend may need a second look, it’s a fine time to feel inspired by new methods or technologies. Product or business ventures ideas can be golden.

Insights coming to you can seem to hint at a new direction. Even if some desires don’t stick, you are exploring your options, and it’s a useful exercise.

You may very well tap into something exciting. New ideas may eat up a lot of your time, but you can also learn much in the process. You seem to be able to envision ways of making the best or the most of a situation.

The focus can be on a practical improvement or item that makes your life just a little better. Clearing the decks in some manner can have the same happy result.

Transformation is an ongoing process. Your desires are connected to your ability to merge, and you may need to give up the illusion of separation to cultivate the bonds of intimacy.

What are you willing to trade in exchange for security? The fear of being seen is what blocks true connection. Apply one hundred percent of your intentions to the situation, whether it’s managing resources or dealing with another human being.

However uncomfortable it feels, acknowledging and allowing space for your emotions sets you free. Be at peace with all that arises to experience profound growth.

Mercury’s departure from Cancer three days ago has defused a lot of the tension of the last few months.

Despite the fact that this had little to do with Mercury himself, just having planetary activity in Cancer maintained pressure from the planets in your relationship sector.

Mercury made two visits this year, each time spending over three weeks rather than the typical 14 to 15 days he will spend here each year.

You not only have a better sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you but of how to keep the communication lines open.

Today’s Quote: “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 19, 30, 36, 39, 49

Daily Compatibility: Scorpio

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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