Your enthusiasm may meet with a bit of disapproval or coolness today, dear Cancer, but it’s a small obstacle in an otherwise excellent period of opportunity.

As well, it can lead to making adjustments that genuinely benefit you down the road. You may recognize the need to deal with specific responsibilities in strategic ways so that they don’t creep into your life at all the wrong times.

Also today, you’re feeling motivated to improve your lot in life. Your sense of community is strong, too.

You seem to benefit most when you know you’re working towards something with or for others rather than competing. Look for ways to come together, or seek different ways to get into a more secure, comfortable position.

You answer the call to create when what you do is what you make. Your connections to others spark an innovative perspective on a solution that may have previously eluded you.

Joining minds expands the realm of what is possible, so see members of your social network as your partners in idea generation.

If you’re at an impasse, ask a friend and be receptive to their perspective. Releasing judgment begets open-mindedness; let go of anything that diminishes a collaborative spirit. Teamwork makes the dream work.

This whole week has a positive and exciting undercurrent across the income, work and career fronts but this is set to become even more auspicious from tomorrow.

Until then the Moon is urging you to pay attention as it makes its monthly visit to a playful part of your chart.

Today’s playful lunar vibes might be fleeting, but bring a timely reminder that life can’t be all work and no play. A balance between work and play is key to maintaining your productivity and creativity.

Today’s Quote: “There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures.”

Lucky Numbers: 8, 12, 14, 21, 26, 41

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Excellent

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