This is a beautiful time for gaining emotional fuel, dear Cancer, particularly through your connections.

Making changes seems to come instinctively because you are working with an open mind and you’re answering calls to spontaneity.

Accepting new ideas and exploring different topics come naturally now, and there could be a decision made regarding friendship, travel, or education. Passions rise, and enthusiasm is strong.

It’s a fine time to pair up with others to get something done or answer your own call to learn or experience something new.

You breeze through any outstanding chores without breaking a sweat today. You hardly feel like you are exerting effort when everything runs so smoothly.

In fact, there may be so little on your plate that you end up finishing early. All this extra time frees you to engage in more visionary thinking throughout the day.

You are emboldened to swing for the fences and craft a few goals that widen your scope of possibility. Whistle while you work and enjoy being in the zone.

At the same time that there are some exciting developments on the job and career fronts, the Sun is opening up a whole new field of possibilities on the adventurous front.

The Sun moves through an adventurous part of your chart at this time every year, but this year this feels and is different.

Where you have been held back by the past, either by real restraints or from old excuses, these no longer have any real hold on you. The message coming through is ‘why not you and why not now’?

Today’s Quote: “Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 10, 18, 20, 28, 47

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

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