It’s a fine time to be as open, willing, positive, and faithful as feels comfortable, dear Taurus, as the Sun and Mars connect harmoniously, presenting opportunities to make improvements to your life, particularly related to your happiness goals and social affairs.
Decisions made with (or about) friends and groups can be in focus, and you tend to make them quickly and confidently. There could be a significant new connection formed that may come on suddenly but it feels right!
You may be inspired to move forward on a personal goal, dream, or plan, and this can also feel like perfect timing.
There is some inclination to impulsiveness with Mars in your sign these days, but if you are listening to gut instincts rather than merely reacting to people around you, then you’re in good form.
True change only happens on your terms, and you possess the incentive to carry it through today. You realize that unless you take the wheel, you will not arrive at your destination.
Your hopes and dreams depend on you to initiate action. Thankfully, others are rooting for your success now. You might even receive an unexpected boon, perhaps in the form of backing from a significant source.
This blessing gives you the impetus to jump into the driver’s seat and rev the engine. Ready, set, go! Your attitude determines your direction.
To have Mars in Taurus ahead of Uranus’ return next week is a real advantage, yet it also brings you to a significant and awe inspiring period of your life.
Uranus will return to begin a seven year visit to Taurus, the longest any planet has spent here in eight decades.
As the Moon joins Venus in an adventurous part of your chart today, this is both a chance for some light relief and to focus on the journey itself. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel overnight, with the search for your personal truth a journey that won’t end until 2026.
Today’s Quote: “Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what’s coming next.”
Lucky Numbers: 10, 21, 27, 36, 44, 48
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Excellent