Jupiter in your solar sixth house for most of 2019 is excellent for work and health pursuits, dear Cancer. You’ll find more pleasure and reward in your daily routines.
Jupiter’s clash with Uranus, however, reminds you that if you take on too much, you’re likely to feel quite hemmed in or restless.
Even too much of a good thing can wear you down, particularly since you’re craving freedoms to go your own way. You may also feel somewhat restless with the status quo regarding your career now.
If you feel that you’re often left doing the grunt work, this issue can be magnified now. Frustrations can lead to acting out of character.
Seek clear reasons for your unrest and consider ways to make constructive changes instead of merely reacting randomly to problems. Ideally, you’ll get some extra space for creativity and ad lib changes.
There’s not a lot that’s conventional about what is on your mind today. Whatever the topic, activity, or task, you have your own unique spin on it.
The more variety you can cram into your schedule now, the happier you are and the faster the day hums along. Some say success is a simple matter of doing what you love on your own terms.
The mood you’re presently in heartily agrees. In fact, following your dreams is a philosophy that is worthy of your standing ovation.
While the intensity of last week’s solar eclipse has dialled back, you have a better sense now of anything this may have triggered, especially on the personal and relationship fronts.
While the solar eclipse fell in your relationship sector, 2019 is a year where a balance between your personal and relationship needs is being policed.
There is no movement on the relationship front if it is not in your best interests.
As Mercury moves into his final two weeks in your relationship sector he is on hand to ensure the communication lines are open, for this is crucial.
Today’s Quote: “Smile, even if it’s fake. Laugh, even if you hurt. Don’t let anyone get to you, you’re beautiful regardless of what anyone says to you.”
Lucky Numbers: 1, 9, 12, 27, 38, 46
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good