Jupiter’s transit of your solar fifth house lasts most of 2019, dear Leo, and encourages you to express yourself more playfully and spontaneously.
Its dynamic aspect with Uranus begins now and can find you craving novelty, independence, and creative room, making it necessary not to weigh yourself down with pursuits in your enthusiasm.
You’ll want to break free from time to time, and doing too much or overdoing the leisure side of your life can make it difficult to pursue other goals.
Be sure to give yourself some breathing room, and if this influence is about a love connection, you’ll want to vary things a little to keep things fresh.
Acting to make changes rather than reacting to changes is the goal when Uranus is prominent and challenging. Seek satisfying ways to spice up your life and avoid overdoing things.
The Moon moves into your intimacy sector later today, and you’ll be looking for in-depth pursuits or your emotional focus intensifies.
Transparency is your friend today. If you’re making up the rules as you go along, and another person is similarly creating rules of his or her own, this could cut into relationship harmony in some obvious ways.
Nevertheless, it is more than possible for two highly individualistic people to read from the same page, if mutually motivated to do so.
Fair, open, and detailed communication might be required to make it work. But when it comes to affairs of friendship or love, the extra effort is well worthwhile.
Leo Horoscope Both the Moon’s final hours in your relationship sector and its return to your financial sector today are equally important.
If you start the day with your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground and choose to listen to your emotional and intuitive responses without overthinking things, you will pick up the right information at the right time.
The stations might change and the information might be coming from different areas as the day progresses, but if you are tuned in you will hear what you need to hear.
Today’s Quote: “Smile, even if it’s fake. Laugh, even if you hurt. Don’t let anyone get to you, you’re beautiful regardless of what anyone says to you.”
Lucky Numbers: 6, 9, 11, 31, 32, 41
Daily Compatibility: Libra
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good