You’re in a goal-oriented frame of mind, dear Cancer, although you would do well to take some time for chatting and connecting as well–the break can boost your spirits and fuel your motivation even further.

This is a good time for taking action on an important project, particularly a communications or learning effort. You seem up for a challenge! As the day advances, you might realize that you have too much on your plate or there are scheduling problems to work around.

It can be challenging to determine how much you can do or take on since your desire and reality are mismatched just for now. You can become quite worked up about a method or idea, with mental energy running particularly high.

Debates can quickly escalate. Your mind can race, and there can be many exciting ideas, but distractions, restlessness, or duties can keep you from fleshing them out or making them work. Do your best not to rush things.

People may bring you their most ingenious ideas today, hoping you will share their enthusiasm. They might even ask for your assistance or advice, expecting you to drop everything and help.

Unfortunately, you could see their pet project as a crazy distraction, especially if you already have important plans of your own.

You’re not interested in wasting your valuable time chasing someone else’s windmills. Put your blinders on and hold your ground. Honor your priorities and others will learn to do the same.

For the second time this year Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication come together and again this is huge for you and your relationships.

Venus and Mercury aligned in Cancer in July, just as personal and/or relationship tensions were at their height.

Now, seven weeks on Venus and Mercury not only come together in your communication sector but will spend their final days here aligned.

The conditions have changed dramatically since July but they take another turn for the better as Venus and Mercury join forces to give your heart and your relationships a voice.

Today’s Quote: “Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think.”

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 19, 22, 26, 31

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

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