When you make that decision to share yourself with someone, you go all in, body, heart, and soul. You love when the connection feels so natural that it’s almost like dé·jà vu.
But in order to keep that heart vibration going, you must give one another some breathing room now and then. Having adequate air within a love relationship is vital to its survival.
Being honest with your love interest means that they will consider you trustworthy. So be worthy.
You could look to your friends or maybe one in particular for answers or reassurance regarding a love life matter. You’re aware of all that is good or moving in the right direction but might not be able to put your finger on why you view the future with trepidation or uncertainty.
The act of confiding in someone could be helpful if it clarifies a few facts in your mind – but will any answers you receive tell you anything you don’t know already?
A time is coming when you’ll enjoy staying at home and having intimate conversations with your beloved and experiencing moments of deep, emotional connection. You’re under the heavy influence of emotion.
Occupation with your own ego can lead to a failure in personal relationships with the closest ones around you. The astral alignment encourages you to slow down and appreciate what you have.
During this cycle, you will be primarily interested in creating or making a leap towards something new. Traveling will be successful, but be careful if you are behind the wheel.
You feel tense now because of your inability to handle the amount of information that you need to effectuate your ideas and plans.
Your insight will constantly surprise people in your environment, even though you have proved to be an excellent analysts. Do not be tempted to venture into reckless adventures.