The Moon is in Aquarius and in your 8th house, however it is also squaring Uranus in your 11th house. This is highlighting how having friendship be a foundation of your romantic partnership helps allow the relationship to be more solid and trustworthy.

People underestimate the importance of having a friendship with their significant other, however, if you wouldn’t be friends with someone for who they are, why would you be partners with them for the long term?

Sharing that connection with your partner allows you to feel more secure and safe within the relationship which in turn permits you to achieve greater depth and intimacy with them.

Your theme for the day is love relationship diplomacy today. You’re able to take your partnering-skills to the next level as you attract peace and emotional support into your romantic realms.

If facing confusion or a moments of indecision, rely on slow, meditative breaths to return you to a grounded place you’ll have your confidence back in moments.

You realize the power that’s available to you in duo form at this time: Just know that each unique romantic connection you make could bring you new and specific lessons of love. Watch for signs of growth, emotional reflection, and passionate connection now.

A noticeable willingness to cooperate on the part someone close could be a relief. You might not be used to getting your way, so capitalize on the spirit of partnership or collaboration that exists with your paramour while it lasts.

You could be looked to for proactivity in some way and will be very willing to provide it if you sense something between you and another is more balanced.

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