It’s time to stand up for love and feel solid about the romantic foundation you have built. It’s also time for some self-care. At this moment, your romantic circumstances may prompt you to carve out some much-needed personal time to catch your breath.

You may just run out of steam for an emotionally charged relationship situation, letting you know that you’ve got to slow down and unwind today.

Keep your attitude light and your humor in tact. Let love be the magnet that draws you and the one you love toward one another now, no matter what you’ve experienced in the recent past.

The planets occupy a strong position and promise a period of love and complete unity with your mate – this is a sign that love and marital relationships will be important, also – lone representatives of the sign are capable of attracting people who have a high social status or special qualities.

This cycle’s energy may create the kind of mood in which you find yourself hypnotized. Astral energies will make it much easier for you to be more patient. You will win enemies if you do not correct your behavior.

The present astral energy encourages you to think about your future. You situation really isn’t that bad, it’s just your fear of tackling it so go ahead with confidence, and all will resolve itself in the end.

Traveling now will be good for you. The current astral energy may disrupt some of your best-laid plans, but there could be a very good reason for this. Do not allow to be constrained and do not run counter to your principles.

Releasing emotions or pent-up feelings could take a loved one by surprise, but the object of your affections could be grateful for and appreciative of what you reveal. Your message might also give them plenty to consider.

Where you have felt uncertain or alone with tackling a particular issue, you could discover how helpful, supportive, and flexible your paramour can be.

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