No matter what unusual twists and turns attempt to spin your day, you’ll find a way to hold on to your passionately joyful mood today. You’re getting a first-class ticket to romance courtesy of the cosmos, and almost nothing has the power to thwart your sexy excitement.

Look for curious supporting actors in your story right now; a mysterious presence in your love life can send you into the stratosphere when you least expect it.

You can be practical as all get-out, but you also know when it’s time to chill, and chill you will. Be brave when you need to, but sensitive too.

It could be clear that you’re expected to accept a certain romantic or relationship situation. However, your instincts might suggest there’s more to what you have to accept than what’s on offer at face value.

If you sense an open conversation is needed to address what you believe to be concealed or withheld, then there’s no time like the present to instigate it.

The energy emanating from the planets brings the realization of just what you need to do in order to get your recent and most personal relationship to work more harmoniously for both of you and although you may be tempted to do something quickly to make it instantly better, it would be better to introduce changes gradually.

You are usually very reticent about your feelings, preferring to hide behind a veneer of cynicism or some other facade, but this is about to change soon. Inch by inch, slowly but surely – patience will give you confidence and security every step of the way.

Realize that difficulties hamper your words to reach the people they are intended for. The moment is ideal for traveling in the company of friends. You strive for your goals, but it is in your favor to be scrupulous.

Try not to over-analyze your current status. The energy emanating from the planets may dazzle you with expectations beyond what you would ordinarily consider reasonable. Take measure of your words and actions carefully.

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