Who are you and what do you want? Those are the kinds of questions that July’s stars will serve up as a total solar eclipse sweeps through YOUR sign on July 2. Eclipses are scene-changers, major moments of reckoning that can launch you onto a brand-new path. And as a moon-ruled Cancer, you’re especially impacted by them. Ready for a new chapter that’s driven by your true desires? A total life makeover? Bring it on, eclipse!

This is the second of three annual Cancer solar eclipses falling between 2018 and 2020, which are shaking up your self-perception and your whole approach to life. The first was on July 12, 2018, and the next will be June 21, 2020. They’re part of a series falling on the Cancer/Capricorn axis, bringing major shifts to your sense of identity and your relationships. Reworking the balance between “me” and “we” is the goal. If you’re exceedingly giving or caretaking at your own expense, it’s time to bring Numero Uno back into the equation.

This one is a total eclipse—which could either give you an extra-strength identity crisis or a huge epiphany about your mission on this planet. With an eclipse in your first house of visibility, you might radically revamp your style and appearance. The spotlight could also come looking for you, so prepare to be witty and captivating at a moment’s notice!

July could be THE most significant month of 2019 for you, Crab. In addition to the Cancer solar (new moon) eclipse, there’s a rare second new moon on July 31, a lunar (full moon) eclipse on July 16 PLUS communication planet Mercury will be retrograde from July 7 to 31. From your relationships to your work and finances, everything is going through changes. Make sure you have lots of emotional support in case fears crop up at a decisive moment. You don’t want unfounded worries to interfere with your growth!

That said, if the Cancer solar eclipse doesn’t immediately springboard you into a whole new world, you may need to slow down a few days later. On July 7, Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—turns retrograde (backward), which could throw a plot twist into your path. From July 7 to 19, Mercury will back through Leo and your second house of work and money. Keep a close eye on your finances, checking those receipts and statements twice. With aggro Mars in Leo until August 1, you may be dealing with a stressful expense or spending money as fast as you make it. Heed the caution lights of Mercury retrograde and if you’re thinking of upgrading your laptop or buying new office equipment, wait out the retrograde if you can since Mercury’s backspin can mess with electronics.

From July 19 to 31, Mercury will retrograde through Cancer, which could leave you feeling wildly misunderstood. Hold off on any radical changes to your appearance—or really, any extreme changes at all. Fly under the radar and use the time to finish personal projects you’ve been putting off. It could be hard to make a decision, so when in doubt, wait it out.

In the midst of Mercury retrograde, the planets serve up even more action, mostly in your close relationships. The Cancer Sun will make two tough oppositions to planets in Capricorn and your partnership zone. On July 9, the Sun faces off against rigid Saturn here, a once-a-year event that can rattle your sense of self. In your eagerness to rocket ahead, are you stepping on toes or encountering resistance? Downshift and make sure you’re not bulldozing someone’s boundaries or coming across as self-interested.

Relationship power struggles could brew on July 14, when the Sun makes its annual opposition to power-tripping Pluto, also in Capricorn. Unspoken dynamics might bubble up, pushing your buttons and triggering your defenses. Careful, because with your ego provoked, you could easily say something regrettable—and hard to take back.

Two days later, on July 16, a Capricorn lunar (full moon) eclipse blasts into your relationship house, with Pluto riding shotgun. Brace yourself, Crab: This could be a defining moment in one of your partnerships. Is there a budding business alliance ready to cross into official terrain? A romantic relationship or friendship that’s due for an evolution? For cues and clues, look back to the January 6 Capricorn solar (new moon) eclipse. Events sparked near this date are coming to a potent fruition or turning point. You may decide to go all the way in with someone…or call the whole thing off. Lunar eclipses are moments of reckoning, revealing all that’s been hidden. Like flipping on harsh fluorescent lights, they can be jarring and disorienting at first. It’s important that you don’t make snap judgments or erratic moves until your eyes adjust, though you could be tempted to do so. Eclipses can push us past the point of no return, so once you’ve slammed the door, it could be hard to open again. That said, if you are truly finished with a chapter of your relationship, this eclipse will be your ultimate exit strategy.

Some much-needed grounding energy arrives on July 22, when the Sun moves into Leo and your second house of work, money and security. Whew! You’ll be relieved to have Cancer season in the rearview, if only because Leo season gives you something else to focus on. With motivator Mars in Leo all month, you’ll be extra incentivized to lean in to work and keep your energy high with healthy habits. Pour yourself into your daily routines or a simple practice. Put your hands in the dirt, get out in nature, ground yourself. Simplicity is your path to the divine, especially on July 25, when Mars forms a flowing trine to expansive Jupiter in your sixth house of healthy living and service.

The month ends with a second new moon, this one in Leo, which could kick off a prosperous fresh chapter around your finances. Could one of your solar eclipse epiphanies from early July be monetized? You might decide to turn a passion project into a side hustle or something more. At the end of the day, a bonus treat arrives: Mercury retrograde ends as the cosmic messenger corrects course. Ah! You can head into a MUCH lighter August, taking all the discoveries from July and integrating them into your new path.

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