Big dreams and lofty ideas have taken up residence between your ears, Cancer—and you’re enjoying the buzz! All month long, the Sun will be climbing through the highest parts of your chart, sending you to the outer limits of your Cancerian comfort zone.
Until March 20, el Sol is in Pisces and your ninth house of travel, adventure and entrepreneurship. Where could you expand your reach or try something totally new?
Your caring sign specializes in thinking of what could go wrong if you go for too big of a risk. Take three weeks off from the role of safety inspector, Crab, and consider what may go RIGHT if you lose a few constraints! Leave the house without an extra sweater, let your loved ones pack their own lunches, say yes without conducting FBI-level due diligence.
The March 6 Pisces new moon could inspire some grand schemes. An exciting offer to speak publicly, teach or travel might arise. If you’re job-hunting, work with a startup might appeal to you. Heck, you might even hatch an indie business idea of your own!
You don’t have to rush to execute anything yet, Crab, so have fun with this. Let the blue-sky dreaming run wild during Pisces season. Give yourself a chance to explore even bigger options and ask the necessary questions (we didn’t say to be foolish—just to lighten up a little on the extreme background checks).
From March 5 to 28, communication planet Mercury will turn retrograde in Pisces, which could misfire your messaging and capsize elaborate plans. With Mercury in this outspoken zone, what YOU think is a subversive, witty comment could land as disrespectful or offensive. Coming out of your shell doesn’t have to mean over-sharing.
Retrogrades connect us to the past, and your sentimental sign is always happy to trek down memory lane. During Mercury’s reversal, you might revisit a passion project that got back-burnered or jet off to a nostalgic vacation spot.
Got an idea for a novel, blog post or motivational video? Draft it and craft it, but save the big reveal for next month (or later), when Mercury is direct and the stars are more favorable. (Keep early July in mind, too, when a Cancer solar eclipse creates ideal conditions for your splashy debuts.)
Since Mercury rules travel and transportation, this signal-scrambling cycle could disrupt a vacation. If you’re going away, triple-confirm your reservations and check the cancellation policy before you hit “book now” on that unbelievable deal. If it gets too complicated, opt for a staycation this Pisces season.
Luckily, your social life is abuzz this March, and there will be no shortage of invitations if you do stay local. On March 6, innovator Uranus will start a seven-year visit to Taurus , shaking up your social life and making you a pioneering thought leader until April 2026.
Since March 2011, Uranus has been in Aries and your tenth house of career, engineering professional plot twists when you’ve least expected them. While you’ve acquired some, er, interesting new resume fodder, this once-in-a-lifetime transit didn’t exactly spell “job security.”
Uranus is the disruptor, and its visit was intended to push you into new frontiers of leadership and power. Awesome…but exhausting! For some Crabs, just when you settled into one role, the side-spinning planet threw a curveball.
From corporate restructuring to new management to your own fluctuating ambitions, the last eight years kept you on your professional pointe shoes. When Uranus leaves Aries on March 6, you graduate from this weird and wild boot camp. Uranus won’t return to Aries again until next century (really!), so you’ll never experience this cycle again in your lifetime.
Now, forward-thinking Uranus moves into your progressive eleventh house, anointing you the zodiac’s “mad scientist” and rabble-rouser until April 2026. There’s never been a better time for your sign to become an out-of-the-box thinker…in a major way!
Make like Cancerian thought leaders Elon Musk or Seth Godin—or the two 2020 Cancerian presidential hopefuls, Elizabeth Warren and Marianne Williamson. Since both Uranus and your eleventh house rule technology, the digital realm could become THE playground for your pioneering plans.
Energizer Mars is also in your Taurus-ruled eleventh house of group activity and friendship, lending your team some steam. From cutting-edge collaborations to buddying up for a spring fitness program, competitive Mars revs this zone of your chart until March 31. You might be the first to hit the muddy running trails or to organize a St. Patrick’s Day pub crawl to yank the crew out of hibernation.
Those starry-eyed ideas could start to cement on March 20, a big day in the cosmos. The Sun will begin its monthlong visit to Aries and your structured tenth house, solidifying dreams into concrete goals—complete with action steps, a firm schedule and targeted results. If you’ve been living out of your suitcase, it’s time to unpack and set up shop.
You’ll be more than happy to return to your homebody roots because March 20 also delivers a potent full moon in Libra and your domestic fourth house (the “Cancer house”). This is also the third and final supermoon of 2019, which lends extra potency to your personal life. Given that your sign is ruled by the moon, you’re always affected by its phases!
Full moons bring transitions, big decisions or completions. Are there any home-related issues pending before you can make your move? If you’re thinking of relocating, renovating or taking in a roommate, you could make some huge shifts under your own roof. Family is also in the spotlight.
Your relationship with a female relative might reach a critical juncture near March 20. The balancing beams of Libra can recalibrate the dynamics with your mother (or a maternal figure). If you’re a parent, you may need to address an issue with a child.
A pregnancy is also possible for Cancers of that demographic. This is the first of a rare pair of back-to-back Libra full moons in 2019. The next one, on April 19, could bring resolution to events that begin at this one.
With the spotlight on your emotional fourth house, you might be inspired to open up and share with a friend or partner. This could have a powerful impact because March 20 will also feature a fast-flowing trine between intense Mars and transformational Pluto in your interpersonal zones. A platonic pal could catapult to romantic status, particularly if they come through and show you how trustworthy they are.
You might solidify your bond with a close friend or business partner. But hold off inking any official deals: While Mercury is retrograde until March 28, it’s best to hash out all the details and negotiate. If this is truly meant to last for the long haul, an extra week or two of dotting I’s and crossing T’s shouldn’t matter.