Fantasy or reality? Eh, who cares. For the next three weeks, love could feel like a lucid dream—and a totally exciting one, at that. That’s because on Tuesday, April 24 romancer Venus cruises into Gemini and your boundless twelfth house.

No, you won’t be your most logical self between now and May 19. But under these skies, you’d rather be swept off your stilettos than stuck in the mud. Coupled Cancers should slip off somewhere secluded together, like a woodsy cabin or tropical beach, where you can chill and recharge. After a couple nights of restorative slumber, you might be back to the honeymoon phase.

The only caveat: With la love planet dropping a rose-colored filter over your judgment filter, you might need to run a few of your romantic notions by a sensible wing(wo)man or three.

Is it REALLY a good idea to invite a “third” into the bedroom to “spice up your marriage” or introduce a Tinder date to your BFFs hours after you meet? Questionable, Cancer.

If you catch yourself putting the cart before the horse, head back to the proverbial stable and run the background checks on anyone new and promising. This could be a best-case scenario thing, where you get even MORE confirmation that you’ve found someone great.

If you recently weathered a breakup, devote the coming three weeks to healing. Stop sleeping in your ex’s band tee or wandering down the blocks where you might “accidentally” bump into each other. It’s time to mourn but also mend your heart by clearing the space for new memories.

If this person is meant to return to your arms, it will probably happen according to Murphy’s Law: When you’re so busy loving YOUR life that you don’t even care about being in the relationship (that much) anymore.

Thursday could feel like an epic balancing act as aggro Mars teams up with obsessive Pluto in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. It won’t take much—perhaps one poor word choice—to send you off on an anger spiral.

These emotionally intense planets could even make you inappropriately jealous or uncharacteristically possessive. You might not trust a business partner to work solo, and when it comes to your love life, your imagination may get the better of you.

It’s hard to filter out all those disturbing “what if” scenarios, but TRY! Your intuition is your best guide, so if you have a strong feeling about something, dig deeper.

Hold off flinging any accusations until you have solid proof. On the bright side, this cosmic confab can stoke the embers of passion. Have a stimulating conversation about things you’d LOVE to do to each other, then make a date for an amorous adventure.

On Sunday, the year’s only full moon in sizzling Scorpio amps up your passionate fifth house. Along with another surge of romantic momentum, this lunar lift can catapult you to new heights of fame. Be prepared to pitch, present, promote or perform in the two weeks that follow.

If you’re not touting your own talents, you could be the spokesperson for a game-changing project…or movement! In your fertile fifth house, this full moon could bring news of a pregnancy.

Flip side of that: If you’re not ready to rock the cradle, take all necessary precautions. This “birthing” could happen in the figurative sense, too, as a song, dance performance or work of art that’s been gestating in your imagination springs to life.

Leave lots of room in your calendar this weekend. If the muse messages, you want to scurry off to do her bidding!

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