Performing live this Monday, April 30: You, Cancer! Like an epilogue to last Sunday’s full moon in Scorpio, the lunar love lingers on for an extra day and receives a powerful jolt from live-out-loud Jupiter.

Oversharing? TMI? What’s that? Let there be zero shame in your game as the week launches. Courageously sharing your story could brand you an inspiring luminary and role model. Why hide your light under a bushel when beaming it can uplift so many?

The early part of the week may be filled with photo-ops, so have fun playing dress-up and find an excuse to meet friends somewhere fabulous (and well-lit!). If you’re ready for a new look, start Pinning runway inspo; book salon appointments or a session with a stylist who can help you define your personal fashion statement. And no holding back those loving feelings!

This moon-Jupiter mashup will turn you into an unabashed love bug. If you blurt out your warm-fuzzy emotions in the heat of the moment, just own it, Crab. The way folks respond to your sentiment will be very telling.

People who pull back when you step forward are not the ones to deal with. Life is too short to get caught up in a pursuer-distancer dance, especially when there are so many opportunities to joyfully co-create.

Coupled Cancers might try extending the weekend vibes into a Monday playdate. If you can’t miss work (to stay in bed or go on an adventure date) then plan on doing something fun in the evening.

Who knows? Dinner and a film could evolve into discussions about “next steps,” or even picking out names for a future baby or pet.

Although your starpower is beaming, don’t forget to tend to your personal “constellation.” All week long, the Sun lingers in Taurus and your team-spirited eleventh house, bringing ample moments to rise as part of an ensemble cast. Seize any opportunities you find to sync up with the ones you love.

No, that doesn’t mean putting your own dreams on the back-burner; just see if there’s an organic way to include your peeps or perhaps recommend them for an amazing gig that falls right in their zone of genius. Could your online profiles use some sprucing up?

This tech-savvy solar cycle, which lasts from April 19 to May 20 is ideal for building (or updating) your website or positioning yourself as a social media superstar.

When was the last time you Googled your own name? See what comes up and take down any photos, posts or pages that don’t reflect 2018 You.

You might not be the only one typing your name into the search box this week, so make sure to represent!

Devote the weekend to the people who matter most. As the moon nests in Capricorn and your seventh house of relationships you may realize that you need to make a deposit in the emotional bank account, so to speak, in order to keep a significant someone engaged.

Don’t rely on flowery language or superficial gestures. On Friday, Saturn provides a supportive beam to the moon, revealing the importance of having clearly-defined parameters in partnerships.

You’re no fan of nebulous interactions, but you can also get squirmy about starting those, “So, uh, where are the two of us headed together?” conversations. Nevertheless, you may have to be the one who initiates dialogue this weekend.

It’s really a practical matter, Cancer. You can’t move forward if you don’t have a map…or SOME sort of direction in your crosshairs. While certain compromises will be necessary, know your bottom line and refuse to cross it.

Someone in your life may be trying to test your limits, and in cases like this, you must be unwavering about where they lie. /TheAstroTwins

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