Talk about a heart opening! On the wings of last Sunday’s full moon, Monday arrives with a conjunction of the moon and your ruler, supersizer Jupiter, in Scorpio and your compassionate twelfth house.

Love and support are all around you, Archer—and you’ll be ready to give AND receive. If you are able to drop your guard (read: stop hiding behind humor or philosophical meanderings), you’ll even feel it, big-time.

It could come from either side of the spectrum. Perhaps a wise mentor will step forward to Sherpa you through a perplexing point on your path; or you might connect to powerful “space holders” who create a safety zone for your emotional needs.

Someone you adore may need a boost of your special brand of empowering wisdom—and your ability to visualize people’s highest potential and hidden gifts.

So if you see something, say something! Under this one-day influence, divine downloads could flow in. Keep a capture tool handy, like a notebook, sketchpad or recording app. The ideas that flow in early this week will be inspired, but here’s the catch: They might not make sense immediately.

Don’t judge them, Sagittarius, just jot them down for safekeeping, because time will tell. Make time for your creative works. Jupiter’s enterprising and expansive influence could even turn one of your hobbies into a viable business idea.

Last weekend’s Scorpio full moon may have illuminated an area of life that is in transition. Let it go, let it go? One era may be ending, but you’re not QUITE ready to usher in the next stage of the game.

First, there’s some cleaning up to do. As the Sun spends the whole week in Taurus and your systematic, industrious sixth house, you may keep yourself plenty busy with organizing those messy aspects of your universe.

Declutter your closets or get your email down to “inbox zero” by filing and deleting messages. Maybe it’s your schedule or diet that needs this no-holds-barred sweep. The goal is to simplify; then, commit to new, easy to follow structures that feel organic to you. And don’t forget the pleasure principle!

There is no gain in pain for your hedonistic sign. If you hate jogging, for example, don’t set some excruciating goal to train for a marathon.

Find an exercise modality that makes you feel amazing in your own skin. Brisk-walking, dancing, even short HIIT workouts using your own body weight can be excellent.

While Taurus Season always brings a boon for your career, you don’t have to burn the candle at both ends to profit professionally. This weekend might illuminate a capable cohort to assist you on manifesting your dreams.

With the Capricorn moon grounding you alongside structured Saturn in your second house of financial security on Friday, you could tap into new revenue streams. Remember, Archer: It takes money to make money.

We’re not talking about a gamble here, but a wise investment in resources that will get you from Point A to Point Z. Maybe it’s time to hire an assistant, outsource an aspect of a project that you’ve DIY’d for too long, or register into a training program that will give you the skills to pay the bills.

If you’re in a relationship, Saturday brunch talk could turn to shared finances and a savvier way to save and budget. Don’t think of it as a buzzkill! Instead, get inspired by the dreams you can build as a pair (and the vacations you’ll take!) once you get your nest egg in check. /TheAstroTwins

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