
You are resigned to the fact that you will need to do everything in your power to clean up the damage your words will cause if you let your emotions rule your tongue. Although your intentions may be honorable today, you can’t take back what you said; you can only apologize.

But saying you’re sorry doesn’t erase the pain you create when you aren’t guided by a moral compass. Forget about trying to impress anyone now with your justifications; being kind is better than being right.


Your head tells you one thing, but your heart says something else. You may feel emotionally volatile today, but it’s best to think before you react. Fortunately, the shift of Mercury and the Moon into pragmatic Taurus reminds you that your common sense is currently your most valuable asset.

Your career plans have recently undergone significant changes and you recognize you’re at a turning point now. Tony Robbins teaches, “It is your decisions and not your conditions that determine your destiny.”


You may wish that you could run away and hide, but it’s not because you want to escape your current circumstances. In fact, you may be thrilled about the upcoming events in your life. However, you realize you would benefit from the luxury of rest and relaxation today, so you’re better equipped to face the exciting week ahead.

Let the inescapable noise of the day fall away like water rolling off a duck’s back. Activist Bryant McGill wrote, “Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.”


You are flying high with anticipation as you envision your future because you see so many possible paths to success. However, you start to worry about your financial and emotional security when you consider making drastic changes which could destabilize your life.

Nevertheless, you know that you’ll harbor regrets if you don’t, at least, try to make your dreams come true. Author Anaïs Nin wrote, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”


You are standing on the threshold of a meaningful new chapter in your life. Your planning days are over and it is now time to take your good ideas and turn them into something tangible. However, there might be a few days of transition when nothing obvious happens.

Thankfully, you are being offered a chance to reconsider your recent activities before moving into new territory. But your anticipation may be so intense nothing will stop you now. Nevertheless, a gradual start is advised. Shakespeare wrote, “To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.”


The walls obstructing your view appear to be disintegrating now, revealing new vistas. Although you still might see the future as you did in the past, the resistance to your imagined life is quickly fading. It’s as if you are walking through a door into an entirely different set of circumstances where anything is possible.

Nevertheless, there’s plenty of work to do and achieving satisfaction will still take time. Your sudden change of perspective is less a miracle than a hard-earned reward.


An intense confrontation with someone you love is never easy, but today’s interaction might seem like a closing punctuation mark on a lingering issue. It’s as if the cosmos is acknowledging your previous efforts and offering you a ticket to your next relationship adventure.

Rather than hanging onto outdated emotions, focus your feelings on the present moment so you can deepen your interpersonal connections without being encumbered by the weight of your past. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. wrote, “Opportunity dances with those already on the dance floor.”


Consistency in your daily routine remains elusive but you can now see a path that leads to the stability you seek. However, you do not live your life in a vacuum and often rely on others who may not be as methodical as you wish. Thankfully, interpersonal dynamics seem to be shifting in a positive direction, fueled by cerebral Mercury and the emotional Moon’s entry into your 7th House of Relationships.

Although there might be a speed bump or two at first, an anxious journey will quickly turn into a relaxing drive. Goethe wrote, “Everything is hard before it is easy.”


There are many ways to improve your physical well-being, but the most obvious is adopting a disciplined exercise program along with a healthy diet. Taking your daily regimen to the next level may already be on your mind, but there’s an opportunity now to create new behaviors or to enhance your existing performance.

It’s easy to look at the horizon and imagine that you are already there, but your affinity for grand gestures may not help as you establish your new routine. Make small but substantial changes one at a time. Let the first one settle in before you make a second.


You may feel as if you have been spinning your wheels without necessarily making much progress. Fortunately, you begin to get glimpses today of what your life will be like in the near future, now that there are three planets in stabilizing Taurus and your 5th House of Self-Expression.

However, you may encounter unexpected emotional turmoil if your intentions clash with someone else’s. Don’t be discouraged by this disagreement, for it will quickly pass as long as you choose to let it. Actor Mary Pickford said, “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”


You are looking forward to a relaxing day at home without needing to deal with your responsibilities in the outer world. However, you might feel as if someone is still infringing on your space today, which motivates you to withdraw even more. A domestic squabble could hijack your tranquility, especially if you unwittingly step into a melodrama that isn’t really yours.

Practicing compassion doesn’t mean removing all your boundaries. And nurturing yourself doesn’t require you to shut out those you love. Rumi wrote, “The middle path is the way to wisdom.”


You are finally able to let your guard down and simply enjoy your immediate surroundings. For the first time in a while, it might seem as if you are being rewarded for your previous efforts. You are thrilled that you have the opportunity to do as you please.

Nevertheless, you still might be required to reassert your preferences today, so others don’t destroy your peace and quiet. Psychologist Brené Brown wrote, “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.”

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